Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Walk of Shame...

Oh yes, we're going there.

Don't judge. You've probably been there, too. Maybe you didn't do all that the name implies, but who here, dear readers, has not pulled back on their cocktail dress and heels (or their suit and wrinkled shirt) and made it back through their city, campus, neighborhood, or even just apartment building without the aid of a shower or comb (or a memory of the night before)? Sometimes the prior night's outfit is forgone all together and replaced with an over sized pair of gym shorts and baggy t-shirt (which go great with black pumps).

It's a fact of life. And while perhaps it's an act inherently characterized as tacky (because really, no one's mother ever told them it was okay to do THAT) there are ways to class it up.

  • Steal some mouthwash, clean up the smudged make up, wet your hair and borrow a comb.
  • Leave a note if you get up first - preferably with a way to reach you. You don't have to see them again if you don't want to, but it's the classy thing to do.
  • Wear shoes when you leave - even if it's heels with aforementioned gym shorts. We're not Britney.

Do not:
  • Discuss your current situation with people on the subway, the cab driver, or people at the coffee shop that you pop in - everyone knows what you're doing, no need to explain. Also refrain from discussing the night on your cell phone in all the above places - no one wants to know.
  • Guess the person's name. Snoop or just say "hun."
  • Go to class, work, or brunch in what you have been wearing all night.

We may not be proud of it, but let's do it with some remaining shreds of dignity, shall we?


  1. DO steal clothes DO NOT leave in a ball gown DO avoid campus tours DO NOT walk home only to pass out in someone elses room that is not yours (results in 2 walks of shame) DO shower if you fall out of a tree because your drunk and end up in the hospital DO NOT meet your friends for breakfast after falling out of a tree with leaves in your hair and your hospital bracelet still DO asses level of drunkenness so as not to break things or puke as you make a stealthy exit DO NOT leave anything behind you might want, because, lets be honest, you may not want to go get it. Just some stories from TP's college -- 5 years ago now.

  2. he he he dignity. DO NOT leave that behind either. DO count to 30 before a) sending texts regarding last nights events or b) telling your mom.
