Friday, February 27, 2009

Maybe it just doesn't matter

Dear Guy who went to his locker in the gym hallway in only a towel:

If you did it because you think you're that hot and you want to show off, that's some tacky behavior, sir.

If you did it because you left your clothes in your locker while showering and had no other option, I commend your classy bravery.

Either way - thank you. You made my work out and my morning (and possibly my life) that much more amazing.




  1. Oh ABT, you are so witty. I'm glad the Man in the Towel improved your morning. Maybe there is a little thought of third option - that he knew of your beauty and rushed into the hallway to view it, and in doing so forgot his pants. Love, TP

  2. Perhaps this is tacky (okay it's obviously tacky) but.. ABT.. haven't you ever heard of a camera phone? Me-ow!
