Thursday, February 12, 2009

How to not be tacky while at a Sporting Event (Part I)

I love sports. I'm a huge sports fan, and I was even voted "Most Spirited" of my graduating high school class. I can pretty much cheer for any team, any sports event, any time. I also recognize that there are certain rules of order to being a sports spectator. For example, having attended a big Southern University, I recognize that sometimes pearls, high heals, and black and red cocktail dresses are "sports" attire. Other times full out body paint is what is called for by all senses of propriety.

So when do you know if you're being a tacky spectator when there's such a range of acceptability?

Well, for starters - look around. Where are you? If you're in a stadium full of Red & Black, Purple & Gold, or any other sea of two-color dedication save for you in a day-glow sweater... well, if the tack fits...

Or, if you're at a high school hockey game and you come dressed full on fur...
my dear, tacky. And here's why: while I have put on pearls and kitten heels to watch sweaty men run around a field, it was appropriate. But when you're the only one dressed up (and you're not even in a team color!) you're just being tacky. And snobby. You may think you're classy, but the only message you're sending is that you're too good for the game.

Don't ever disrespect the game.

So find yourself a fleece in your kids' team colors and start cheering, lady!

And wearing a dead animal all around you is tacky all the time, any ways...

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