Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tacky wrapped in plastic...

TP and I made a recent getaway down to New York City, and let me tell you - that's a great city for spotting both America's classiest and tackiest citizens.

Prime example of classy: museum goers. TP and I ventured to the MOMA during their Friday night open hours and were both so impressed with how many people really embraced the opportunity to see some fantastic art. I was observing a wonderful piece by Seurat when I encountered the other extreme however...

Tacky: synthetic, plastic attire. I'm not even sure what was going on here. It seemed to be a pleather purse slung over a plastic-rubber-shiny-parka thing. I mean - what's going on there? First of all, the whole thing created this kinda plastic glare which is VERY distracting when you're trying to look at art (or really, just do anything...) and it also kept making that noise that plastic makes when it rubs plastic.

Just crazy... and tacky... but amusing, nonetheless...

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