Thursday, January 29, 2009

You don't sound important, you just sound tacky

TP and I have the grand luxury of being grad students. One of the grand things about being a grad student and the authors of this blog is that we are allowed access to one of the largest groups of tacky people: the undergraduate population of a large, urban university.

Hopefully soon we will start bringing you photographic evidence of many of the violations of polite behavior, but for today's lesson in classy behavior we have an observation to report:

Speaking so loudly that an entire student union is forced to listen to you recounting what "fake-Niki" and was doing on whatever show you were watching is Tacky. So is talking that loudly in general. I don't care what you did last Friday night, I don't care what your best friend told your boyfriend, and talking that loudly about ANY personal aspect of your life is tacky.

And don't come at with me saying, "oh, but I have a loud voice!" Anyone can take it down a notch, and when airing ANY laundry (dirty or not), have the decency and manners to hush up.

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