Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Status: Tacky

Facebook is a wonderful thing. It keeps you connected to old friends, it helps you check out potential dates, and it allows you free range to secretly judge the tackyness of your friends (and frenemies!). Sure, it's a little judgy, but we're just trying to make it all better by showing the error of our ways...

So Tacky Facebook Complaint #1: The Significant Other Status Message

I love when my friends have great relationships, and I think it's adorable when romantic moments inspire the occasional sweet shout out message. However, involving your 400+ closest friends about every moment of your relationship is, well, tacky.

If your boyfriend is out of state working on an oil field far, far away or if your girlfriend is off serving our country, you may absolutely post how much you miss them. If your boyfriend has been at work for six hours, you may not post how much you miss him. Tacky.

It is tacky to post about the way your boyfriend or girlfriend smells. It is tacky to post about how you love playing house. Man up (or woman up) and stop sharing. It's just tacky.

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