Thursday, January 22, 2009


I think Jennifer Lopez is very tacky and not in a good way. Disclaimer: I'm sure she's a very nice woman with lots of lovely things (besides Rite Aid perfume and denim jumpsuits) to contribute to the world.

It has taken me a while to come to this conclusion. When she was dating P.Diddy and all "Jenny from the block" I thought, "How nice, that girl used to be on In Living Color. She has made a little career for herself, and Is remembering where she came from." When she was dating Ben Affleck, I thought, "Those people are strangely shiny, and why are they always wearing sunglasses." Then, "Diamonds come in pink?"

It was weird when she quickly married Marc Anthony (is that how you spell it?) and I began to suspect something tacky was happening when the albums stopped, the movies stopped, yet J. Lo. persisted in showing up on red carpets in stilletos dunked in gold. Then she was 9 months pregnant in stilletos dunked in gold.

And then, the Golden Globes. This, for me, was the nail in her coffin of tack. I don't need to see that much of a middle aged lady's boobies. I mean I get that she's trying to be fierce. But she has kids; two of them. I'm all for the hot momma vibe, but I think this is trying to hard.

Also why is she always so shiny?

I am not a mean person, and I would never claim that one person's decade of outfits relegates her to tackdom for all eternity. She could make the move from tacky to classy fairly easily.

1. Smile. I don't think she realizes that she doesn't look as fierce as she think she does.
2. Be less shiny. Hair/clothes/skin/shoes/makeup isn't usually that iridescent. Maybe have a 'one shiny thing' rule.
3. Help people when cameras aren't watching.

Photo From:

1 comment:

  1. I like that we're now offering advice as to how to be less tacky. You're not a mean person - mean people let tack continue...

